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Welcome to E-Ching’s sections of Ling 110b: Intro to Linguistics, Spring 2011. This schedule links to section materials and additional resources. You may also be interested in the official syllabus, Classesv2 resource page, textbook website or academic calendar.

Note: Midterm feedback indicates that some people would like to know how all this is relevant to cognition and/or culture. In that spirit I have added some purely optional book recommendations to the “Reading” column.

Week Lectures Section Topic Reading HW/Exams
Jan 10
Jan 12
Jan 14
Textbook ch.1
The Language Instinct by Steven Pinker
Jan 17
Jan 19
Handout 3.5++
Phonetics Textbook ch.2
HW 1 due Jan 24
(how to type it)
Jan 24
Jan 26
Handout 5.5
Phonology Textbook ch.3 HW 2 due Jan 31
(how to type it)
Jan 31
Feb 2
Handout 6.5
Phonology HW 3 due Feb 7
(how to type it)
Feb 7
Feb 9
Handout 8.5
Morphology Textbook ch.4 HW 4 due Feb 14
(how to type it)
Feb 14
Feb 16
IOL 1 Morphology The Atoms of Language by Mark Baker Exam 1: Feb 16
Feb 21
Feb 23
Handout 11.5
Feedback form
Syntax Textbook ch.5 HW 5 due Feb 28
(how to type it)
Feb 28
Mar 2
Handout 12.5 Syntax Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes by Daniel Everett HW 6 due Mar 1
(how to type it)
Spring recess
Mar 21
Mar 23
Handout 14.5 Semantics Textbook ch.6
Metaphors We Live By, by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson
HW 7 due Mar 28
(how to type it)
Mar 28
Mar 30
Review session Semantics You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation by Deborah Tannen Exam 2: Mar 30
Apr 6 Historical linguistics Textbook ch.7
The Power of Babel by John McWhorter
HW 8 due Apr 13
Apr 11
Apr 13
Brain and language
Textbook ch.10
Textbook ch.13
Through the Language Glass by Guy Deutscher
Apr 18
Apr 20
Handout 19.5 Animal communication Textbook ch.18
Dr Dolittle's Delusion by Stephen R. Anderson
Final examination: Thursday May 5, 2pm