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Welcome to E-Ching’s sections of Ling 110b: Introduction to Linguistics, Spring 2011.

The information that did not appear in my first section handout is highlighted below.

Contacting me

Office hours (changed after spring break)
Wednesday 3.45–4.15pm after class, moving from Rosenfeld Hall to room 210, 370 Temple Street. Also Thursday 4.30–5pm after class, moving from WLH 006 to WLH 014.
I check at least once a day, but not necessarily more often.
If you feel strongly about something but are concerned that feedback might affect your grade, please email me anonymously from Gmail (login feedback.eching, password intro2011). I will try to fix the problem, though my solution might differ from yours and might only kick in next year.

About section

Section aims
  • To clarify lectures and the textbook;
  • To help you internalise the material, i.e. understand, remember and apply it.
Please bring
  • Lecture handouts
  • (Corrected) homework
  • The textbook
Section attendance
  • Optional, but regular and active participation will allow us to raise an uncertain grade.
  • Will be recorded on a signature sheet passed around at the beginning of class.

About assignments

Labeling your assignments
Please put down the the name of your TA, and the time of your section.
I have no authority to grant extensions. Please speak to Professor Kavitskaya (darya dot kavitskaya at yale dot edu).
Hard copy submission
Please submit hard copy. I cannot guarantee normal grading time for soft copy submissions. (I never open Microsoft Word DOC file attachments because they can transmit viruses. RTF is better; PDF is safest.)
Typed homework
I appreciate typed homework. The section website explains how to do wordprocessing for linguistics.


Can I attend another section?
It’s fine, but let us know in advance. In the long run try to stay with the same teaching assistant; it will help us keep track of your participation.
Why are there two grades on my homework?
Assignment 1 was graded out of 60 but was then converted to be out of 20 so that it will be easier for us to weight all the homework assignments equally at the end of the semester.